1. Teething tablets-they're homeopathic and can be found at most pharmacies, drug stores, and of course Wal-Mart. I give Emily 3 tablets at first when she's in a lot of pain. Then continue to give her 2 at a time every hour or two after that. Usually two doses takes care of it and I can give it to her less often after that.
2. Popsicles-I know it's sugar, but they really help. Since they are sweet they are welcomed with open mouths, and since they're frozen they help soothe and numb the pain.
3. Freeze the Pacifier-I run the paci under water then stick it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes or until it's nice and cold.
What ideas do you have?
Hi, I found your blog through Laura's..and one thing that my kids enjoyed was gnawing on a wet washcloth. Sometimes just chopping on something helps them!
Hi, I found your blog through Laura's..and one thing that my kids enjoyed was gnawing on a wet washcloth. Sometimes just chopping on something helps them!